Contribution Page
Oysters are a unique shellfish in means of colonization. Historically healthy reefs have climbed incredibly to the point of exposure during low tides. We are producing substrate grounds throughout the lease where the bottom is of the criteria to sustain the substrate. A firm bottom with a shallow layer of tacky mud is where we create a substrate bottom of empty and crushed oyster shell and live oyster clusters. We feed the bottom then in an open range with containment with diploid oyster seedlings that will rebirth to form an oyster bearing bay bottom in the designated area. Where successful regeneration takes place the oysters will thrive up to 3 layers of live oysters.
Once a bottom substrate is in place aquaculture cages containing both diploid and triploid seeds will be placed and hands on nurtured in the memory pool. The mature growth of the caged oysters will be offered for wholesale purchase to our participants and where there is surplus to the wholesale market. Where a percentage of proceeds will be donated to the particular memorial entity and inclusively a percentage of proceeds needed to continue the process will be used towards maintaining the cycle and preserving the oyster bed bottom created.
To thin the bed over time there will be no dredging and limited to hands on. Living approach and gently maintain the bottom ecosystem created. Memory capsules noting your contribution to your choosen memorial will be placed within the cages. We have existing memory pools of specific entities such as 911, wounded warriors, covid19 victims and etc. Designate your desired memory pool by inquiring and we can determin if we can accommodate your desired memorial. Which can also be of a loved one or memorialize and entire family. At any rate, the contribution is effectively improving the quality of the Currioman Bay, which in itself is significantly important to the entire ecosystem we all hare.
Thank you in advance for your interested and supportive contributions.
*Contribute donations welcome